SINNOWA MEDICAL also manufactures and provides other IVD analyzers as below: Fully auto chemistry analyzer (DS series, DI series. Throughput from 160-800test/hr);
Semi auto chemistry analyzer(BS-3000P; BS-3000M); Multitest analyzer with biochemical & coagulation function(BS-3000C); POCT fully auto chemistry analyzer for human and veterinary(CHEMIFASTR); Platelet function analyzer(AGGRESTAR PL-12, PL-16); 3-Pat/5-part hematology analyzer for human and veterinary(HB-7021, HBVET-1; HB-7501, HB-7501V); Elisa microplate reader & washer(ER-500, ER-502; W600); Coagulation analyzer(CL-2000; CL-2000B); Electrolyte analyzer(K+, Na+, Cl-, Ca2+, pH)(SINO-003; SINO-005); Disposable virus collection tube and swab; Reagents of Chemistry analyzer and Hematology analyzer.