SINNOWA MEDICAL also manufactures and provides other IVD analyzers as below: Semi auto chemistry analyzer(BS-3000P; BS-3000M); Fully auto chemistry analyzer(From 160tests/hr to 960tests/hr)(DS-161; DS-261; DS-301; DS-401; DI-400; DI-600; DI-800); Multitest analyzer with biochemical & coagulation function(BS-3000C); POCT fully auto chemistry analyzer for human and veterinary(CHEMIFASTR); Platelet function analyzer(AGGRESTAR PL-12, PL-16); 3-Pat/5-part hematology analyzer for human and veterinary(HB-7021, HBVET-1; HB-7501, HB-7501V); Elisa microplate reader & washer(ER-500, ER-502; W600); Electrolyte analyzer(K+, Na+, Cl-, Ca2+, pH)(SINO-003; SINO-005); Disposable virus collection tube and swab; Reagents of Chemistry analyzer and Hematology analyzer.
Certificates Clients & Service SINNOWA have had clients in more than 80 countries. We provide online service and training. Packing & Shipping Standard Shipping Wooden Package with foam materials inside. Usually ship them by air, by sea or express.
Company Profile Founded in 2002, SINNOWA specializes in developing, manufacturing and marketing IVD devices and reagents. We have two plants with GMP standard workshop and multiple production lines. Professionals from biomedical, chemical, mechanical control and automatic control are providing more convenient and reliable diagnostic solutions and service for in vitro diagnostic industry.